Posted on August 2, 2023 at 2:40 am

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Anmol Mahajan on ‘Best Director’ honour by IIFTA and the impact of his ad film

Anmol Mahajan has been awarded with Best director – AD for Film Birla TMT STEEL (a TVC) by International Indian Film & Television Awards (IIFTA). The director is very happy and enjoying all the good words coming his way.


Photo Courtesy Anmol Mahajan Team
Photo Courtesy Anmol Mahajan Team


Before going further, he first explains what about this TVC touched a chord with the consumers and therefore got noticed.

“While, the very basic of any family is its strong foundation nurtured with love & respect, sometimes, a small gesture strengthens it far beyond and makes all the difference. This Diwali, Birla TMT Steel proudly takes the initiative to celebrate these bonds and urge everyone seeing this to always be ready to take an extra step to keep the foundation strong,” he says, adding that he is “happy and humbled”.

Directing an ad film requires one to say a lot in a few seconds or minutes.

“It’s like creating a journey in seconds with top, mid and end’. It is challenging but so much fun to work on human psychology at every bit of it. Costumes, set-up, backdrop, body language, vocal tone etc. play important roles to say a lot in this short time.  Advertising is a solution to a problem. So while giving a solution, communication should be to the point and crisp. To set the tone of the ad in the first three seconds is very important. The pacing of the ad by keeping in mind the hierarchy of the brand communication. The right use of brand colours to create a mood and evoke an emotion are also necessary. I always ask these questions before starting the work,” he explains his process.

On what he wishes the ad to achieve, the director says,

“I personally believe in understanding the need before bridging the gap between brand/product and consumers. The more clear you are about your vision, the easier it will be to communicate it to your audience. Idea behind the Birla TMT Steel Diwali ad is to keep the brand’s philosophy alive— ‘Apne Desh Sa Majboot’.”

Anmol agrees that recognition be it with awards or spoken word or mention etc. means a lot.

“Awards are a gesture of appreciation. But for me the biggest award is when I travel and talk to people. Like films they talk about good ads too. So the word ‘impact’ is very important for me. Thanks to IIFTA for selecting this ad and the honour. Special thanks to Manish Saini (Managing Director – Birla TMT), Aditya Chandra, Rohini Vakil, Chitra Sharma, Aseem Gupta, Chhaya Gupta, Aakash Patwari, Saket,” he adds.

Talking about his future work, he shares,

“I want to make more TVCs that can impact someone’s life for a good change. It must also be able to evoke right emotions and stay within as a point of reference in our day-to-day lives.”

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