Posted on December 6, 2014 at 4:00 am

Music What's Happenin'

Moushumi brings new flavor to the scene!

Many individuals are doubling up on professions and we are running into many upcoming doctors who are taking up singing and even learning an instrument or two. It’s hard to balance both, yet one singer has been able to balance both while being a student and singer/musician! Singing at bars and live events she has been able to capture her sound which is so different and one that many have not yet heard in the Asian Scene.

.Path Cafe 4.18.14

Moushumi who is a 21 year-old budding singer-songwriter based in the NYC area brings some fresh sounds to the bar and it will make you press the repeat button over and over again! Mainly influenced by the likes of Lisa Hannigan, Daughter and her idol Damien Rice, she uses a gentle voice to convey powerful lyrics. You can find her performing regularly at venues such as The Path Cafe in Greenwich Village and Lucky Jack’s in the Lower East Side in NYC! 

Moushumi has just released her first single, ‘Another Soul’, that gives you smooth sounds and a gentle tone!  The rest of her 3-song EP will be released in December of this year! Check out the tune and let us know what you think!

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