Posted on July 21, 2022 at 9:48 am

Lifestyle Mental Health

Types of Depression and its Effective Ayurvedic Treatment 

Nowadays, depression is a pretty frequent issue. Almost everyone goes through depression at some point in their lives. There are many different varieties of depression, including mood disorders, anger, sadness, and dissatisfaction. Depression treatment in Ayurveda effectively improves a person’s mental health.

Depression, often known as clinical depression, is a persistently depressed state of mind. Anyone experiencing depression withdraws from social activities and spends most of their time alone. Anyone who is depressed lacks the drive to accomplish anything in life.

Ayurveda is an age-old medical system from India that addresses both physical and mental/spiritual health issues. As depression treatment in Ayurveda provides a safe, all-natural treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress. Additional advantages of ayurvedic stress medicines. It boosts moods, treats stomach-related problems, alleviates sleep deprivation, and gives life inspiration. We run the danger of getting a variety of mental health conditions if we don’t keep a balanced routine and nutrition. The type of problem you experience is entirely dependent on the imbalanced dosha.

Depression can be diagnosed in more ways than only allopathy. The philosophical school of Ayurveda has its definition of depression and its many types of it. Actually, according to Ayurvedists, three different types of depression correspond to the body’s excesses of three separate doshas. There may be a variety of symptoms, depending on what the disease is caused by.

Types of Depression 


DEPRESSION’S THREE TYPES: According to Ayurveda, a person’s body has three different types of doshas: Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth). Depression in individuals with various dosha excesses produces various symptoms, just as an imbalance in any of these leads to sickness. Therefore, this causes three different types of depression: Vata-type depression in people with Vata excess, pitta-type depression in people with pitta excess, and Kapha-type depression in people with Kapha excess.

  • Pitta-Type Depression 
  • Vata-Type Depression 
  • Kapha-Type Depression 


Pitta-Type Depression :

Pitta-type depression may result from being in a pitta-evoking environment. This form of mental disorder frequently results from a sense of disappointment brought on by occasions like losing a job or getting divorced. This pitta-type depression’s symptoms include:

  • excessive criticism of oneself and other people
  • Irritability
  • Accusing someone else or yourself
  • feeling of failure
  • Aggression, fury, and anger
  • being unproductive
  • Guilt
  • Suicidal ideas
  • denying others your actual emotions.

To overcome this disease, you must find a technique to reduce pitta depression in your life through depression treatment in Ayurveda. This should be possible by practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Other options include staying away from foods that are very spicy, zesty, and light. Instead, choose softer, dryer, and cooling foods like beans, potatoes, oats, and the majority of veggies.

Vata-Type Depression:

If your diet or daily routine contains an excessive amount of vata, you will undoubtedly feel depressed about the vata variety. Trauma, shock, or loss are the causes of this mental illness. Depression of the vata kind has certain symptoms.

  • Easily upset
  • Insomnia
  • unexpected mood changes
  • hallucinations involving sound
  • decreased libido
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Restlessness
  • Decrease in appetite and Loss of weight
  • Headaches and joint pain
  • talking too much

Avoid vata-provoking diets and lifestyles to treat this type of depression. Along these lines, make an effort to avoid eating foods with unappealing flavors that are harsh, tannic, and powerful. Choose cooked meal choices that have sweet, salty, and sour flavors instead. It’s also preferable to stick to the same eating schedule.

Kapha-Type Depression:

Kapha-type depression emerges when there is an imbalance of Kapha in a person’s food or lifestyle. Among the signs of this illness are

  • feeling sad, unmotivated, or slow
  • overeating a coping mechanism for the negative emotions
  • disinterest in general
  • Sleeping excessively and speaking very little
  • spending the day in bed
  • having a negative viewpoint
  • adding pounds
  • Sluggishness
  • negative mental habits.

Work to quiet the Kapha in your life if you want to avoid this ailment. This depression treatment in Ayurveda can be accomplished by avoiding flavors that are sweet, salty, and sour and choosing bitter, pungent, and astringent ones instead. Additionally, avoiding fatty foods is recommended. Eat three small, regularly spaced meals a day without snacking in between.

Medicines from Ayurveda

Depression treatment in Ayurveda provides medications to relieve anxiety and assist in treating depression by addressing the imbalance in the doshas. Typical medications include:

  1. Ashwagandha also referred to as Indian ginseng, is renowned for lowering stress levels and regulating mood swings.
  2. Brahmi: It is also known as Gotu kola or bacopa. The plant is quite well throughout the world. It is the ideal memory enhancer and encourages mental attentiveness. It enhances your ability to think clearly and calmly. Since ancient times, Brahmi has been utilized as a Rasayana. For anxiety and panic attacks, it is an effective ayurvedic treatment.
  3. Guduchi often referred to as giloy, is effective in alleviating depression.
  4. Bhringaraj: This revitalizing plant can help manage stress and anxiety.
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