Posted on January 10, 2020 at 11:54 pm

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Stress resistance and methods of its training

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But, if all this is not about you, do not be discouraged and say to yourself: “I’m a loser…I can’t do it”. You just need to develop your stress resistance.

Stress resistance and methods of its training
Stress resistance and methods of its training

What is stress resistance?

Stress resistance is the ability of a person to adequately respond to stressors, to be effective in any situation, and to endure various loads. High-stress resistance is a mandatory requirement for many specialties. However, it is important not only in the professional sphere: the life of an ordinary person is full of stress, and he/she must be able to resist them in order to maintain mental and physical health. Each of us needs to process a lot of information; such high demands are made even for a housewife. Thus, stress resistance becomes an important characteristic of mental organization.

The level of stress resistance depends on:

  1. hereditary features of the nervous system and personality characteristics;
  2. formation of a person in childhood;
  3. your own efforts to train personal qualities.

Thus, even with initially low-stress resistance, we can strengthen it. The main thing is to set yourself a task and begin its implementation. What does it take? First, let’s see what we want to achieve.

Stress resistance groups

1 group– stress unstable. Such people find it difficult to adapt to the new environment and are very susceptible to the negative effects of stressful factors. They feel well only in conditions of complete stability. Quiet work that doesn’t require the execution of several cases at the same time and devoid of high responsibility established family relationships, established life, traditional rest on schedule- that’s their best habitat. Even the slightest deviation from the usual routine of things leads them to bewilderment – they are lost and can’t make the right decision for a long time and begin to act.

2 group– stress trained. They feel good in the normal conditions of modern life full of changes. However, it is extremely important for them that these changes are gradual and smooth. However, drastic changes can undermine their mental state: in conditions of intense stress, such people get confused. It is difficult for them to change their lifestyle at once.

3 group– stress braking. It is dominated by a high firmness of personal life positions and a fairly calm attitude to external changes. The peculiarity of stress-inhibited people is their readiness for serious changes with intolerance to small but regular changes. They love stability and are willing to turn their lives around for lost permanence. Such people are not suitable for work with a non-regular (even if large) earnings.

4 group– stress-resistant. The psyche of such people is maximally protected from stressful factors: they will be able to adapt to radical changes and tolerate the conditions of the rush of small changes. Stress-resistant people endure serious mental stress without strain and illness. However, people from this group are most often hard for others and incapable of sympathy.

Undoubtedly, high-stress resistance is good, but its maximum increase leads to negative consequences: a person ceases to respond to the experiences of others (even the closest people), loses the ability to sympathize and understand the difficulties of others. Humanity itself as a characteristic of personality is threatened when the desire for high-stress resistance becomes absolute.

Optimal stress resistance should combine load tolerance on the one hand and the ability to empathize with the other. In short, you should find a middle ground, which is somewhere between vulnerability and indifference.

So, what should we strive for?
  1. Psychological comfort in any life situation.
  2. Ability to act effectively in unexpected circumstances.
  3. Ability to reflect negativity.
  4. Clear division of tasks into priority, less significant and insignificant.
  5. Positive attitude to life.
  6. High emotional intelligence, which consists of the ability to analyze your emotions and feelings, build a harmonious emotional relationship with others and set yourself up for an effective activity.
  7. The capacity for empathy.

How to develop stress resistance

To increase stress, resistance is not enough to master only one technique or attend a couple of psychological training sessions. In order to learn how to protect your body from the influx of stress, you need a whole set of measures; almost everyone can perform them- you only have to want.

  1. Take a stress test – its result can be a good motivator for you to work on yourself.
  2. Get enough sleep. Full sleep is a prerequisite for the full recovery of physical and mental strength.
  3. Eat well: this will ensure good health and save you from additional health problems.
  4. Make sure to rest. Remember that rest is not only a trip to the sea once a year. You need to rest weekly and even daily. If time lacks, try to relax on the way home from work: listen to your favorite music, set yourself up for a pleasant walk, and choose a path with beautiful scenery.
  5. Find something for your soul. Someone knits, and someone else embroiders, likes bowling or mushroom picking. The occupation should bring pleasure, then you will receive moral satisfaction, distract from your problems, and relieve tension.
  6. Don’t accumulate tension and negativity – they destroy you from the inside. The ability not to take it out on others is not the ability to handle stress. It is important to be able to give vent to the negative emotions. Go to the gym and beat a punching bag, tear the paper, break the pre-prepared sticks or just run- try to convert psychological negativity into a harmless physical action.
  7. Learn to relax – any relaxation techniques are suitable for this. Don’t spare time for their development – they will serve you faithfully.
  8. Be sure to load your body with an exercise – it balances the nervous system and relieves tension. When performing exercises, overpower yourself at least a little (of course, only if your health allows it). For example, you do crunches, and on the 10th time, you realize that you can’t do it any longer, but overpower yourself and do at least another few lifts. You will get moral satisfaction and learn to control your body and your desires.
  9. Don’t replay your problems endlessly in your head. Little will change from what you think about them. If the problem can’t be solved now, try to write it down on paper and put it aside.
  10. Let yourself cry. It is not always appropriate, but you should find the time and place to cry from the heart if you want it.
  11. Learn to find positive sides in the environment.
  12. Start writing a diary. Regularly analyze your records to understand yourself and the world around you better. Experiences from the past will appear before you in a new light, and it will help you to more adequately relate to the current troubles.
  13. Communicating with people, try to put yourself in their place and not to judge them. Try to understand the emotions and motives of people’s actions. Refrain from negative statements in the attitude of others.
  14. Find those personality traits that hinder you in life, and work to overcome them. Example: you are afraid to speak in front of people? Look for a reason to regularly speak in front of colleagues, family and unfamiliar people.
  15. Don’t ignore the training and counseling. If money and time allow, try to work on yourself under the guidance of a specialist. They will help you understand yourself and develop your personal plan to increase stress resistance and efficiency.


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