Posted on February 2, 2019 at 7:42 am

Featured Love

February: The month of love or utter brokenness ?

How does February make you feel? Love or brokenness?

february month of love or brokenness

So it is officially February! The so called ‘month of love’. The month where everyone is CUFFED UP or either feeling extra lonely and broken! If you aren’t cuffed up, you totally feel the love clouds all around you but some of us don’t necessarily choose to feel it! Some people enjoy Valentines for hookups, some for relationships. Some people are  also either fighting through breakups or memories of a recent ex-partner.

We decided to hit the Crown The Brown Town to find out more from our audience about their feelings on Valentines Day! We had many people tell us that they don’t believe in one day of feeling loved compared to 365 days a year! TRUE! One day is not enough to embrace a soulmate with all the love in the world.

One of our members had an opinion on Valentines day and love, stating:

Valentines day should not only be about love, it should celebrate friendship as well! I never had the opportunity to feel special on valentines day because I was always single for some reason. Love is a beautiful feeling but people limit it to only being about a partner rather than embracing all loved ones. Lets celebrate each other rather than only celebrating a partner and making others feel bad for not having a partner at all.

Another member brought in the feeling of brokenness during this month:

I recently got out of a relationship. February really scared me. I had so many ideas and was looking forward to being with my girlfriend this month but unfortunately she left me. It left me so broken that waking up and realizing it’s the month of love without having a lover. This month makes me feel alone because I spent so much time with her. Seeing people all happy on social media with their partners kind of adds to the feeling. It STINGS ! It scares me to the point where I feel like I cannot be alone and need to be dependent on someone. This month will be tough but I am using the month of love to find the love within myself! Celebrate yourself this month. It will be worth it in the end.

Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to love but in the end, it depends on you and what you wish to feel. You are in control of how love should be celebrated in your own life! You either have someone to share it with or friends and family to celebrate with. I choose to celebrate myself because you have to love yourself enough before loving anyone else!

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