Posted on July 2, 2020 at 10:37 am

Featured Interviews

Exclusive Interview: Control Z – Luis Curiel “Express Yourself Freely”

Luis Curiel 

Exclusive Interview: Control Z - Luis Curiel

Exclusive Interview: Control Z Luis Curiel. Netflix has been our sense of comfort since universal lockdown has taken place and there is nothing better than discovering new shows and series!

The series Control Z made its debut on Netflix, which included the talented actor Luis Curiel. It depicts the life of teenagers and dark secrets. The dangers of social media and authenticity of friendships, relationships and family.

Control Z touches on social issues in modern society. It has impacted many and the stories involved have such relevance to the audience.

The characters bring forth a sense of comfort to the fans, especially the character played by Luis. We wanted to know more about Luis and his journey. Here is what he shared with us!

How would you describe yourself and what are three things that people don’t know about you?

Frank, perfectionist, optimist and a rebel. Three things that you don’t know about me: When I was a child, I studied violin for four years. My dog’s name is Rufo and I don’t like beetroot.

How did your journey into the life of entertainment begin?

When I was 8 years old, I begged my parents to let me take acting classes, after very long time of nagging them, they agreed. I ended up auditioning for a play, I got selected and the rest is history.

What are some common assumptions people have of actors or stereotypes you have experienced as an actor?

My TV career started in soap operas. Here in Mexico people tend to pigeon hall actors who start the way that I did. It’s more difficult to obtain a roles in movies and TV series. Thankfully I’ve been able to break those stereotypes.

You are in the Netflix show Control Z. A show that has inspired many! What are some of the most memorable moments you had on set?

My favorite scene was definitely my fight against Gerry. My best memory on set was the positive and friendly environment.

On Control Z, your character is was a victim of bullying. Bullying has impacted many young souls out there. Have you ever experienced bullying and how has this character development impacted on your own life and lessons?

Fortunately I was never a victim of bullying at school. With this character I learned that there are lots of things to do as a society in order to fight against violent conducts.

We have to be more empathetic with people around us in terms of respecting their beliefs, ways of thinking and their ways of being.

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Your character was also not very comfortable regarding being open about his sexuality. This is something many struggle with. Since it is pride month, do you have any advice for others who might be struggling with their sexuality?

I believe that it’s important to be honest with your feelings and seek emotional fulfillment. Your sexual preference doesn’t make you more or less of a person. It’s just a part that complements yourself and that’s perfect. Don’t be afraid to express yourself freely.

As an actor in the industry, what methods do you most commonly use when preparing for a role?

In my twenty years of acting experience I’ve been able to explore many techniques and develop a personal method that works for me. There’s a point where all the information becomes knowledge. That knowledge combined with your intuition makes you concentrate more in the scene and make the best decisions.

What are some hobbies you have besides acting that have helped you even more as an entertainer?

I like reading, swimming, watching documentaries and all kinds of cinema. I’m currently taking piano and singing lessons.

Who would you love to work with in the future and why?

I would love to work with Tim Roth, John Malkovich, Jared Leto and Glenn Close. I admire their work and I know that I would learn so much from them.

What are your future plans? Any exciting projects coming up?

I would still work and create. I’m about to release two TV series, one of them is call “Manual para galanes” which is a comedy and I have the starring role.

What advice do you have for aspiring actors out there?

There is a quote that I really love: “ losing the patience, is losing the battle”

Luis Curiel is definitely an actor with numerous interests. His love for adventure and learning is commendable. He surely knows how to portray characters off and on screen in the perfect frame.

His character on Control Z has impacted many. We cannot wait to see more of him on the big screen! Be sure to follow him on instagram @luiscurieel.

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