Posted on December 17, 2015 at 12:00 am


#12DaysOfChristmas Day 4- Ladoos with Grandpa!

If there was one Christmas tradition my sister and I never complained about – it was this! Making ladoos with my grandfather was our favorite part of the holiday season.
cni church
A few days prior to Christmas, my grandfather would gather all the ingredients necessary for making ‘besan‘ and ‘sooji’ ladoos and start making ladoos for the entire church. This was not just our family tradition, but a tradition which has echoed across North Indian Christian families for decades.
Making ladoos with the family is not only a way of mass producing sweets but also a way of spending time with your loved ones. And if you are the baby of the family, it’s more than likely you will be eating more ladoos during the process than you will be making!
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