Posted on February 13, 2024 at 11:24 pm

Featured Indian TV

Avika Gor: “The most romantic thing that I’ve received has been Milind not just showering me with gifts, but also my parents”

Avika Gor, widely known for her stellar performances in the entertainment industry. It shared insights into her Valentine’s Day plans with her partner, Milind Chandwani.

Photo courtesy Avika team
Photo courtesy Avika team

With heartfelt sincerity, Avika shed light on the essence of love and the significance of celebrating Valentine’s Day beyond mere materialistic gestures.

Speaking about the most romantic thing she has received, Avika expressed, “The most romantic thing that I’ve received has been Milind not just showering me with gifts or roses or chocolates and all of that, but also my parents.”

Avika emphasized the thoughtful gestures of Milind, who extends his affection. Not only to her but also to her parents, making them feel cherished on Valentine’s Day.

She added, “He sends a lot of stuff for my parents as well and makes them also feel like it’s Valentine’s Day. I think the way he includes them in the whole process of Valentine’s Day is very, very sweet and cute.”

Despite believing that love should be celebrated every day, Avika acknowledges the constraints of reality. She articulated, “According to me, the meaning of love for so many years was about having somebody with you at all times, but it has evolved after having Milind in my life.”

Avika highlighted the transformative nature of her relationship with Milind, where love transcends beyond companionship to fostering mutual growth and support. She elaborated on the profound understanding and unwavering belief they share, defining love as “that support and that understanding.”

Reflecting on their long-distance relationship, Avika revealed their plans to maximize their time together around Valentine’s Day.

Despite the distance, they prioritize quality time and plan trips in February or March. It is ensuring they nurture their bond and create cherished memories.

As Avika and Milind prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Their story resonates with the essence of love transcending boundaries and thriving in moments of togetherness.

In a world where love is often overshadowed by materialistic expressions, Avika and Milind’s story. It also serves as a reminder of the profound connections that enrich our lives.

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