Posted on September 4, 2018 at 7:38 am

Bollywood Entertainment News!

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss Watching Manoj Bajpayee’s Gali Guleiyan

When the trailer of Manoj Bajpayee’s Gali Guleiyan released it received massive appreciation from critics, the film fraternity and the audience. Everybody’s been talking about the maze-like plot and Manoj Bajpayee living the character to the T.

Gali Guleiyan
A still from Gali Guleiyan

Within a week of the trailer’s release, it garnered over 2 million views.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at it right away:

From Manoj Bajpayee to the plotline, here are 5 reasons why you should watch Gali Guleiyan this September:

1) Manoj Bajpayee

Manoj Bajpayee bagged the Best Actor award for his performance in Gali Guleiyan at the Melbourne Film Festival. He plays a man who is trapped within his own tormented psyche and his adaptation will leave you spellbound! He truly can pull off any scene or shot in a mannerism you wouldn’t ever want to miss!

2) Mesmerizing alleys of Old Delhi

The film captures the mesmerizing alleys of Old Delhi and has been depicted in a manner like never before. We have often associated it with kite flying, a foodie’s hub and with happy faces around but here Gali Guleiyan presents it and its existence in a way like never seen on cinema before.

3) Mind-bending plot

Gali Guleiyan narrates the story of a paranoid man and his entrapment in a maze of his own psyche. This mind-bending plot with its unsolved mystery will actually make you feel entrapped and claustrophobic. It is an immersive cinematic encounter that is sure to challenge you physically and psychologically.

4) Manoj Bajpayee and Ranvir Shorey’s camaraderie

Both actors are best known for taking up challenging scripts and delivering power-packed performances. Now with such a plot coming our way, it wouldn’t be any less a thrill to watch this duo syncing seamlessly in a single frame. The movie-buffs now surely know what to expect!

5) The kickass technical support
Known for his excellent score-mixing expertise in the Sci-Fi mystery Arrival, Daniel Kresco and Christ Witt’s editing skills have added another dimension to the story making Gali Guleiyan on par with International standards. The technical support also includes other stalwarts like Steven Bodner, the colorist who has also worked with Martin Scorsese, Wolf of Wall Street, etc in the past.

Directed by debutant Dipesh Jain, produced by Shuchi Jain of Exstant Motion Pictures, Gali Guleiyan will release in India and Worldwide on 7th September 2018.

Are you ready for such an intriguing experience this September?

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