Posted on May 5, 2017 at 8:15 pm

Featured Lifestyle

How to Stay Motivated when Finding a Date Seems Impossible

“I’ve been dating since I was 14. Where is he?” – Charlotte York.

Don’t we all feel tired of unsuccessfully dating sometimes? How do you keep going when all you ever get is rejection? To make things worse, all your friends seem to be happily in love, married or in long-term relationships, family planning and house shopping?

Whether you’ve been a bridesmaid or a groomsman countless times, don’t you just feel like you’re about to give up on your own happiness?

Not that there is anything wrong with cougar life or a bachelor lifestyle, but at the end of the day, what we all want is everlasting love that will give our life meaning.

Today, we take a look at some of the most powerful tips to stay motivated when finding a date seems impossible.How to Stay Motivated when Finding a Date Seems Impossible

Live Your Life to the Fullest

Wherever you are in life, make sure you’re always living life to the fullest. Remember, nobody has it all, and there is always something missing that we’re waiting for instead of learning to live in the moment, and enjoy every bit of it. Yesterday is the past and tomorrow is never guaranteed, so all we have is this very moment, on this very couch, reading this article. Only those people who know how to appreciate the little things can truly be happy. Happiness is contagious and people are instantly attracted to it. Be happy and they will be attracted to you.

Learn to Love Yourself

Being happy with who you are is the most powerful motivational phrase you will ever hear. Love and appreciate what you are and what you have, and be thankful for every little thing that makes you who you are. Only those people who are thankful can experience true tranquility, peace and bliss. Learn how not to be too hard on yourself and how not to be the victim. This doesn’t apply to those who are victimized by others, but it applies to those who victimize themselves. Kick self-doubt to the curb but doing what you love and doing it often, and people will recognize your inner strength and wish to rely on it.


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