Posted on September 16, 2016 at 1:03 am

Bollywood Featured What's Happenin'

#FlexTime: Pooja Hegde takes to Aerial silk!

It’s no surprise these actresses work super hard to stay fit and to look good on screen. Staying healthy and fit is the key! Debutant actress Pooja Hegde has been practicing aerial silk to keep fit and increase her flexibility. Aerial silk is an acrobatic dance form that helps to strengthen upper body and core and increasing flexibility . The artists perform aerial acrobatics while hanging from a special fabric.


Pooja Learnt from Aditi Deshpande at Fly high Aerial art. Pooja said,

“I saw P!nk (international singer) perform this form at the grammy’s and have been obsessed ever since. I have a fear of heights and was not a flexible person at all. While the fear of heights still remains,my overall fitness levels have increased tremendously . “

Safe to say Pooja has been hanging out literally !

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