Posted on October 24, 2015 at 3:22 am

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#13DaysofCreepyCreepers Day 6: Proposed on Halloween

It’s the freakin’ weekend kids and we’re on Day 6 of #13DaysofCreepyCreepers. I think you guys are tired of hearing my stories so today I’m bringing you a story submitted by one of our writers!

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Here is a creeper our sweet writer encountered when she moved to New York from Ohio. As a New Yorker myself, I have to say this city has a special brand of creepers you won’t find anywhere else. Just one of the side effects of being the greatest city in the world I guess.

<p><a href=””>via GIPHY</a></p>

It was Halloween night and our lovely writer was on the prowl dressed like a pirate for the occasion. As she made her way down the busy New York streets with her friends she unfortunately caught the eye of another fellow pirate.

<p><a href=””>via GIPHY</a></p>

Mr. Pirate came rushing across the street to speak to her and what were his words?

“Heyyy aayyyy! You’re a Pirate too?



“You’re a pirate, I’m a pirate. We belong together! Marry me! Let’s get married right now!”

I can see how that is a completely rational conclusion but,


<p><a href=””>via GIPHY</a></p>

His friend showed up in time to chime in “Please excuse him, he’s drunk.”

Unfortunately drunk Mr. Pirate was still at it for a while, professing his love for our dear writer. Clearly it was the most graceful of marriage proposals. Of course her reaction was something like….


Luckily she managed to escape unharmed although it is tragic that her first proposal was from a drunken pirate.


Do you have an awkward story to share? Want us to feature your creepy creeper? Then email your story to to be featured in our #13DaysofCreepyCreepers series!


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