Posted on September 14, 2015 at 1:24 pm

Featured Indian TV What's Happenin'

Pankit Thakker’s message to the talented Apala Ghar children’s home!

Being self sufficient in this cruel world may not be easy but the children of Apala Ghar children’s home will show you that it is not impossible either. These brave hearts come together each year and support their needs by organizing talent hunts and other such programs to support their basic needs.

Dill Mill Gayye’s beloved Dr. Atul, Pankit Thakker was asked to judge one such event but due to prior commitments was unable to attend. However, the actor sent a warm video message praising the children on their outstanding talent and work ethic.

The owner of the children’s home, Mr. Vijay Phalnikar, who was an orphan himself supports two such children’s homes where children are taught to be self sufficient and encouraged to climb the ladder of success using their talent. These children are not given up for adoption but rather treated as family by Mr. Phalnikar.


The Apala Ghar children’s home has been recognized by numerous dignitaries including The Nightingale of India, Lata Mangeshkar ji.

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