Posted on June 10, 2015 at 5:09 am

Bollywood What's Happenin'

The double B: Bollywood Badassery


Move over Jason Statham. Get ready to retire Arnie. Well not really. What I actually meant to say – nothing beats Bollywood action when it comes to the imagination and camera trickery. I suppose Kung Fu classics like Shaolin and Wu Tang would be hard to beat. But check out these gems.

Cool, Calm and Just plain Bad Ass

Cool, Calm and Just plain Bad Ass

Incredible Hulk strength

Incredible Hulk strength

Invoking the powers of Durga

Invoking the powers of Durga

The Magician

The magician

The Bullet Proof


Don’t F*** with the Police


Horse Parkour



One thing has me wondering though. Where are the bad ass women????

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