Posted on November 5, 2014 at 12:13 am

Bollywood Featured What's Happenin'

5 Reasons why boys will be boys!

The Shaukeens’ is out this weekend and we thought it would be funny to see why boys will be boys. We all know some reasons but here are some good ones that the film The Shaukeens has portrayed in the upcoming Bollywood film!

Be sure to catch the film this Friday in theaters!

1.No matter how many girls they meet, all of them need to be referred to as ‘bhabhi’ by their friends


2. Half the time with their friends goes in deciding who saw ‘that’ girl first


3. Any time is a good time to chance maaro on girls

4. Bhaigiri with friends is always incomplete without some abusive lingo

5. Most of their time passes in comparing their (apparent) smartness, strength and charm with others.


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