Posted on December 29, 2013 at 3:51 am

Featured What's Happenin'

Review: Half-Hearted

With bigger summer blockbusters, and ever advancing 3D technology, it is often too easy to overlook the original form of 3D entertainment, live theater. Fortunately, I was given the opportunity to avoid repeating this mistake when Aizzah Fatima invited me out to see her newest play entitled Half-Hearted (Presented by M.A.D Playhouse by special arrangement with The Cherry Lane Theatre). Adapted from Aadhe Adhuri 1969 by Mohan Rakesh, this play was a dramatic look into a troubled marriage and resulting family dysfunction.



Aizzah’s performance was excellent! As were the performances of her costars: Ashok Kumar Chaudhary, Dipti Mehta, Akshay Reddy, Prince Vaghani, Robin Johnson, Yarin Brosh. Each actor had a mature sense of timing that made their lines flow naturally and help draw the audience into the story. I really want to take a second to acknowledge Ashok Kumar Chaudhary, who stood out with one of the most memorable performances in the play.


Overall this was a reminder of an extremely rich form of entertainment that we often overlook in a world dominated by big budget overstimulation. It was a truly positive experience and one I would strongly recommend. I look forward to see what comes next from M.A.D playhouse and each one of these fine actors!

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