Posted on December 1, 2013 at 2:14 am

Featured Lifestyle What's Happenin'

Tis the Season of Unselfies and Minority Enterprise Development

light unselfie VolunteerlogoSadly our society has become obsessed with Black Friday and even Brown Thursday losing sight of what the holidays are truly about, focusing instead on trying to get the best deal on Cyber Monday.  Refreshingly, in its infinite wisdom, the UN in a joint initiative with 92Y, decided to balance days of shopping with a day of giving and launched Giving Tuesday to be hosted the day after Cyber Monday.  And just has organizers hoped, now in its second year, it has leveraged the powerful reach of social media magnifying traffic to individual charities that signed up as well as to donation-based websites.  Think of this phenomenon as “crowd giving” with more than 8,000 organizations participating, and this event is only in its second year up from 2,500 last year, its inaugural year.  Not only does site traffic increase but one donation based cite noted a 25% increase in the amount of the donations.

More and more, corporations are supporting employee volunteer initiatives and are even searching for volunteer experience on resumes.  So even if you’re not an altruistic person, there is still something to be gained by helping out.  Often times, companies will provide flex time to volunteer and even match donations to pre-approved charitable initiatives.  So whether you want to give your time or your money, most employers are very supportive. Check with your Human Resources Dept to find out.

This week not only celebrates #GivingTuesday but also World AIDS Day (December 1) and also according to a Presidential Proclamation, it is Minority Enterprise Development Week.  To read the full Proclamation, click here  Seems a fitting time to support those that need help and in a way that will have a rippling effect in the otherwise struggling economy.  And while #GIvingTuesday is celebrating its second year, this Presidential Initiative is celebrating its 30th year with much success over the years.

So as you gather this December with friends and family, remember there is no excuse not to help out. And if you missed #GivingTuesday, don’t worry! Plan something for Human Rights Day on December 10th, Human LIght Day on December 23rd or the Day of Goodwill on December 26th.  And, to learn more about those days, how they came about and how to commemorate them, keep it right here at UA!






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