Posted on April 4, 2016 at 2:12 am

Bollywood Featured

#FanMotionPoster: Aryan’s on Gaurav’s mind!

There’s more to than meets the eye when it comes to Gaurav (Shah Rukh Khan). A die hard worshipper of his human idol Aryan (also Khan), Gaurav resorts to obsession upon facing denial from his man made God. Admiration or obsession, Aryan is the only thing on Gaurav’s mind.

The newly released motion poster of Fan, depicts the exact sentiment in a masterfully woven way. The only consistency in the slowly shattering face of Gaurav is the image of Aryan which continues to run wild on his mind.

Check out the intense poster and tell us what you think? Be sure to check out Fan in a theater near you April 15th.

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