Posted on July 11, 2020 at 9:05 pm

Lifestyle Tech

How to Prepare Young Adults for the Future of Work

It is true that having a degree or any kind of education is essential. For this reason, parents are even more concerned about what kind of education their children are receiving these days. When we talk about having a degree, years ago only a selected few would be fortunate enough to pursue higher education. There were jobs that didn’t require extensive knowledge of tech-related subjects, as well as a high level of education. 

However, as years pass, the rules are changing and so is technology. The tech market has been growing so fast that there are new kinds of roles created every other day. As a result, the nature of how we live and work has also changed. This also spurs the creation of new subjects to learn. In effect, schools needed to redesign their curriculums in order to provide students with the right knowledge to be prepared for the future of work.

How to Prepare Young Adults for the Future of Work
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

We are living in a digital age. For this reason, almost all the things we can see and touch are results of tech advancements—starting from simple things like toys to more complex things like robots or even self-driving cars. So, if you really want to give your children a good education in order to have more job opportunities in the future, you should consider putting them on the right path by learning tech-related skills.


Here’s a list of some skills that are highly in-demand and will likely increase your children’s chances to land a well-paid job when tomorrow comes.

Machine Learning


As the name suggests, it is an application of artificial intelligence that gives machines the ability to “learn”. It allows systems to improve from experience, even if they weren’t particularly programmed for some tasks. Machine learning is used by several companies these days. For example, Google has been using machine learning to develop and create a smart chatbox. The company’s chatbox is able to analyze all the messages received in order to understand what has been said. Then, it will figure out possible responses that would answer the queries received. Also, the more you “teach” the chatbox, the more sophisticated the responses will be. Interesting, right?


On the other hand, companies like Twitter uses machine learning to evaluate each and every tweet that has been made on the platform in real-time. As a result, tweets are scored based on an internal scoring system and are displayed in a chronological manner. In other words, this allows displayed tweets to reach maximum engagement. These examples are proof that machine learning will continue to gain traction among industry experts, making it a highly valuable skill for young adults to pick up.


If you are looking for a school that truly cares about the future of your children, Thinkful is a good choice. The school offers several courses where people can learn machine learning, both online or in-person. It is also committed to students’ success. For this reason, its students will be able to meet experts in the field and learn from the best ones. Also, if you are worried about the financial stress that comes with putting a kid through school, don’t worry, because Thinkful offers several financing options like Income Share Agreements (ISA) and monthly installments.



JavaScript is a programming language that has also become very popular these days. Using JavaScript, web developers are able to build websites from scratch very easily. For this reason, there is no doubt that you can find use cases of JavaScript everywhere. As days pass, even more companies are starting to use JavaScript to create more visually-appealing websites. For example, companies like Microsoft use JavaScript to create its Edge web browser. Microsoft has also developed a version of NodeJS for IoT apps. On the other hand, Paypal has been using JavaScript to design and develop the front end aspect of its website.


Web design is very important these days and will continue to be important in the future, especially since more companies require employees who are proficient in this skill. 


In keeping up with the trend, Flatiron School has added several web development courses to its programs, so that students can master JavaScript in a quick and cost-effective manner. The school strives to put its students ahead of the competition. To achieve this, it offers mock interviews, one-on-one career coaching sessions, and employer instructions to help students launch tech careers that will last a lifetime. Flatiron School offers financing options like ISA, deferred tuition, and loan financing.



As mentioned, we are living in a digital era, and as a result, companies have to deal with big amounts of data every day. With the use of technological devices, there is more and more data to be gathered out there. Nowadays, companies use data for multiple purposes including making smart data-driven decisions that can increase their profits. Data also helps companies to understand their customers better. 


For this reason, a tool that is able to manage and store data in a methodical way is highly needed. That where SQL comes into the picture. SQL is a versatile programming language that helps companies deal with data in an efficient way. As a result, the demand for professionals that are equipped with this skill is also increasing. 


General Assembly is a school that offers several courses where people can learn SQL. With more than 20 campuses across the country, it is the perfect choice for your children. The school also offers financing options like ISA. General Assembly has a proven track record of over 12,000 graduates annually, as of 2019. 


The future is being reshaped and so is education. For this reason, if you want to provide your children with skills that will guarantee a future for them, consider one of the three skills listed above or many other tech-related abilities. Indeed, tech is the future of work.

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