Posted on September 11, 2020 at 5:56 pm

Health & Beauty Lifestyle

How long does CBD oil last in dogs?

Now that you’ve discovered all of the wonderful benefits of CBD oil for dogs, naturally, you have questions that you need to be answered before you administer CBD dog treats to your canine. Perhaps some of the most common questions that pet parents have regarding CBD oil are: How long does the effect of CBD last in their dog? How much time does it take for CBD oil to begin working? It is important to know exactly how long CBD will last in your pet’s system so that you can ensure the maximum relief for your pet’s health condition. You can also find a lot regarding the use of cbd for dogs on this site.

Most of the research available regarding how cannabinoids are processed in the body is based on the human’s interaction with the substance. However, both humans and dogs have an endocannabinoid system that functions in a very similar manner to process CBD. You can navigate to this site for more information on the endocannabinoid system and how it processes CBD. 

What Happens in Your Dog Body When CBD Is Administered?

As previously mentioned, both humans and dogs have what’s called an endocannabinoid system. It is a molecular system that balances and regulates several functions in the body including; immune response, metabolism, appetite, and mood just to name a few. The earliest research findings were revealed in the sixties when the ECS was initially discovered.  

When a dog is administered a dose of CBD oil it has immediately linked to the endocannabinoid receptors. It can begin to fight off any infection and regulate different functions. In turn, it can alleviate any pain, anxiety, and seizures. Due to its never-ending benefits, many pet owners are turning to CBD for cats and dogs for their health related issues.

How Long Will CBD Last in Your System?

Traces of cannabinoid can last in the body for several weeks after CBD has been consumed and the effects of the super.  Generally, it can take up to a week to pass through the dog’s body. However, how long CBD stays in a dog’s system depends on key factors like:

  • Bodyweight
  • Diet
  • The dose of CBD administered
  • Activity level
  • Unique chemical makeup

Also, how often you are administering CBD to your pet determines how long it stays in their system. For instance, for a single dose of CBD, it can stay in your dog’s system for up to three days. On the other hand, if you were giving your pet CBD daily it can take ten or more days for it to get out of your system. 

How Long Can I Expect the Effects of CBD to Last?

Determining the perfect dose for your pet can take some time. Once you know how much CBD your dog needs to get relief from their symptoms it can take about thirty to forty-five minutes before they begin to feel the therapeutic effects. How long does it last?  

For dogs with anxiety conditions, it can take at least sixty minutes before they feel calm. On the other hand, if your dog is dealing with joint pain or some other type of inflammatory pain condition, they will begin feeling some relief within 30-60 minutes. 

CBD can be consumed sublingually or through food. These methods of consumption can very well affect how long your pet experiences relief from the CBD supplement. If you’re applying the oil directly to your dog’s mouth or gums you should allow 20-60 minutes for it to begin working. When you drop CBD oil into your dog’s food, allow up to ninety minutes for it to begin to work. 

Generally, CBD can provide relief for six to eight hours. If you notice that the effects of the CBD are wearing off faster than usual you should increase the dosage to maintain the same results.

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