Posted on September 17, 2020 at 1:50 am

Featured Health & Beauty Lifestyle

5 CBD Vape Cartridges To Keep You Calm

Did you have a long tough day at work? Or perhaps you’ve been dealing with a lot of stress lately and you just need a little something to help you calm down? The great thing about cannabidiol otherwise known as CBD is known for having properties that can help keep us mellow and calm. CBD is the main ingredient that cannabis promotes a feeling of relaxation. There are a wide variety of CBD vape cartridges on the market that can produce such results . For your convenience you can browse all the latest yet quality CBD vape cartridges here on Vapo Vapes.

A study conducted by Vanderbilt University on mice found that there are cannabinoid receptors present in the parts of the brain associated with emotion. These same receptors are strongly believed to exist in the amygdala in humans. This part of the brain is responsible for the feeling of flight or fight. This is possible while CBD has proven to be effective at keeping stress at bay and helping individuals calm down. Whether you are an avid CBD user or you’re new to a CBD vape cartridge here are some som strains that promote relaxation and can help you calm

  • Harlequin

No doubt, the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear “Harlequin” is the Joker. But this CBD strain is far from a joke. It boasts a 5:2 ratio of CBD to THC which means that it has high levels of CBD which isn’t the case for all CBD vape cartridges. This well-crafted hybrid has over 15% of CBD concentrate making it extremely potent and a rarity in the CBD world. 

  • Stephen Hawk King Kush

This strain is a blend of other CBD strains. It was specifically made to help reduce anxiety, paranoia and it doesn’t give you the jitters as THC would. This product has a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC plant. It’s ideal for CBD users who aren’t keen on CBD strains that include high levels of THC. 

  • Cannatonic

This strain is known for its relatively low THC content which is often below six percent and high CBD content which can exceed 17%. CBD vape cartridges made from high CBD strains typically have better relaxation and calming qualities with hardly any psychoactive effects when compared to other strains. Cannatonic is a highly recommended medical CBD strain for helping patients with anxiety.

  • Trident 

Trident is another CBD strain that increases mental focus while promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. With CBD levels hovering around the 12% mark this strain usually has THC levels lower than 6%. Depending on the user, an individual might experience mild psychoactive effects when vaping from a Trident CBD vape cartridge but it’s not overwhelming. Many people report feeling a cerebral effect when vaping this strain. So if you’re looking to calm down but still need to focus and pay attention this is the perfect strain for you. 

  • ACDC

ACDC is the highest CBD strain around with a 20:1 CBD to THC ratio. Most CBD vape cartridges with strain have about 19% of CBD content This strain is known to be extremely effective at providing a calm feeling and getting rid of anxiety. Another added benefit of vaping this strain is that you don’t experience any type of high which is ideal for people who like to vape on their breaks while at work.

  • Harle-Tsu

Harle-Tsu is a CBD strain with strong anxiety-relieving properties. Usually, CBD products that use this specific strain contain CBD concentrates that are twenty times higher than the THC remaining in the oil. Individuals who have vaped this strain have reported feeling less stressed, happier, and more uplifted after vaping. 


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