Posted on November 22, 2021 at 10:35 am

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How Long Does A Typical Student Startup Live?

So, you have a great idea and want to bring it to life. Inspired by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, you’re set on starting your company while still on campus. Unfortunately, you find out the odds are stacked against you. What next? In this article, you’ll learn how to increase your chances of success and avoid failure. 

In general, 9 out of 10 start-ups fail, according to Failory. 21.5% of them fail in the first year, 30% in the second year, 50% in the fifth year, and 70% in their tenth year. The number one reason start-ups fail is that they run out of cash, followed by poor product-market fit, according to research by CB Insights. 

How to Start a Business In School

Handling coursework is hard enough as it is. Adding a business venture on top is sure to come with added stress. You can get assistance from professionals who write essays for money and effectively lessen the load. That leaves you open to pursuing your venture.

The first thing to have is an idea that solves a problem. The second one is to articulate that idea well enough to identify the value proposition of your product. The third is to conduct research to find out whether the problem exists on a wide enough scale and if people would be interested in your product. Then you can make a prototype or sample to test the idea. 

If your prototype finds success, you can move on to the next phase, developing your product while collecting feedback to further enhance your offering. At this stage, it is essential to create a business plan to have a roadmap of how you’ll achieve long-term success. Finding a start-up mentor to advise on further steps can also be beneficial.

What Constitutes an Unsuccessful Start-Up?

These are some of the factors that lead to failure. 

  • Loss of focus on the main objective
  • There isn’t any new product development going on
  • Teamwork is poor
  • Employee turnover is high
  • Weak or sluggish execution 
  • Incapability to adapt to the new market and customer needs
  • Poor customer engagement
  • Lack of motivation and innovation

What Constitutes a Successful Start-Up?

A couple of things lead to success, one of them being the right product-market fit. Another one is about focusing on every aspect of the business. With small companies, roles tend to overlap. To find success, you have to give your attention to the things that might not fit into your role. For instance, customer care, deliveries, handline inventory, etc.

An obvious yet significant indicator of success is when the business grows fast. In addition, the team is able to bounce back quickly when faced with setbacks. These are some of the more pronounced signals of success, but it’s harder to find a favorable outcome without motivation, teamwork, and a clear vision.

How Many Times Do Entrepreneurs Fail Before Succeeding?

According to Skynova, one out of every four entrepreneurs fails at least once before succeeding. And it takes an average of three years for an entrepreneur’s company to start financially sustaining them. The statistics can be disheartening, but the only way to find success is to keep trying, even when faced with failure.

As a founder, you’ll have to pitch your ideas when looking for funding or make speeches at functions. Now, writing speeches is a delicate process, and as such, you can fail to hit your mark. Fortunately, you can buy one at and nail your presentation. You might even secure funding for your start-up with its help. 

Where to Get Start-Up Ideas


Unsuccessful entrepreneurs develop products with themselves in mind. For the most part, they think that what’s good for them is good for everybody. Successful entrepreneurs develop products that are good for the majority. They look at a situation that affects many people and find a solution to alleviate the problem. 

Do I Need to Quit School to Focus On My Business? 

Starting a business while in school is a tough balancing act, and it’s important to figure out what’s right for you. It might be okay to take a break for a semester or two, but ultimately it would be beneficial to graduate. 

The thing is, most ventures will require your undivided attention. It might be hard for some to focus on two things simultaneously, which might be easier for others. Ultimately, it’s best to decide for yourself what works for you.

Benefits of Starting a Business in School

Starting a company while in school has its benefits. One of the main ones is that you are viewed as a new talent rather than a competitor. Therefore, people will be more inclined to help you. Financially, there’s less risk as you have school to fall back on, plus the support of your parents if you’re still at home. 

Additionally, you have immediate access to a focus group around you if you’re targeting fellow students. You can easily reach out to them on campus or in online forums. Finally, you have access to school facilities and labs to utilize for developing your start-up.

Are Business and Entrepreneurship Classes Necessary?

Business and entrepreneurship classes give you frameworks to build on and identify your target market. You learn how to structure your company and form operating procedures for your company. It might not be relevant for every founder, but it gives you an added edge.

Entrepreneurship classes are also a great place to meet and network with fellow students. You can exchange ideas and find solutions to problems you share. Essentially, you’re all in the same boat in regards to your aspirations. It’s likely that years down the line, some will find success, and interacting with your classmates can be beneficial for you and your company. 

Final Thoughts

Student start-ups have the ability to thrive due to the circumstances surrounding their formation. However, they still face the same challenges other start-ups face in staying operational. To overcome failure, founders have to be resourceful, have a strong team, and conduct enough research to have the right product for the market.

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