Posted on February 4, 2020 at 12:24 am

Featured Music

Soumita Saha Joins #Iamandiwill Mission This World Cancer day

Soumita Saha Joins #Iamandiwill Mission This World Cancer day

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Soumita Saha Joins #Iamandiwill Mission This World Cancer day Soumita Saha Joins #Iamandiwill Mission This World Cancer day. World Cancer Day is observed on 4th February every year. World Cancer Day aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action against the disease. Every year a lot of people die because of cancer. These days creating awareness through campaigns is incomplete without the social network. Kolkata’s international singing sensation Soumita Saha created a buzz on internet posting motivating words to support this mission.

“Every year a lot of people die because of cancer. Being a woman I would say women suffer from breast cancer and cervical cancer and lose their lives. The major cause behind suffering is late detection. Thus self care and awareness is necessary. #Iamandiwill stays committed to supporting the powerful progress in reducing the global impact of cancer.” said the firebrand singer.
Soumita is not only a well-known playback singer but also a social activist. She always stayed opinionated regarding various social issues. The firebrand singer besides holding her place in the International EDM industry is a famous painter who exhibits her artwork in various cities. Her artwork also gained huge popularity among art lovers and critics. Thus the artwork she exhibits attracted the media’s eyes too.

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