Posted on August 20, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Featured Music What's Happenin'

We Are All Sikhsby Hargo Boparai and Harvi Bhachu featuring Sati Chohan and Fateh Singh

We Are All Sikhsby Hargo Boparai and Harvi Bhachu featuring Sati Chohan and Fateh Singh


In wake of the tragedies that have hit the American Sikh community, successful North American based producers Hargo Boparai and Harvi Bhachu have teamed up to create the song “We Are All Sikhs.” This song is intended to create awareness and demonstrate the strength, honesty, resilience and unity of the Sikh faith. It was written and sung by California based Sati Chohan, with conceptual support from Nix Bhachu and Hargo Boparai.

Shortly after the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Gurudwara tragedy, friends and Bay Aream California natives, Nix Bhachu, Harvi Bhachu, Sati Chohan and Hargo Boparai decided that the best way to share their thoughts on the tragedy was through music. After discussing the song’s concept and effective ways of communicating their emotions, while honoring victims and creating awareness, “We Are All Sikhs” was brought to life in one weekend.

They are joined on the track by Fateh Singh (Young Fateh), also a California native who now resides in Toronto, Canada. The track is accompanied by a video portraying powerful images and video clips, as well as translations for those who may not understand Punjabi.

We encourage you to share this video with your friends- Indian, non-Indian, all colors, and all creeds. We are all one. “We Are All Sikh.”

Please send donations to support the families of the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Gurudwara tragedy at This website has been confirmed by the victims families to be the appropriate place for donations.

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