Posted on May 17, 2016 at 9:40 am

Featured Indian TV What's Happenin'

"Having a career and a family is a balancing act!" – Vahbbiz Dorabjee

Despite the struggle to keep women’s individuality alive, society has continued to fail women when it comes their post marital life. For some, marriage is not a bond but bondage of the dos and don’ts. Subconsciously, women continue to sacrifice their own thoughts, ideas, dreams and lifestyles to accommodate the lifestyle of their significant other and his family. While many may think that the concept of self-sacrifice is confined to the backward societies of the world, elites continue to conform to such practices.


Even in the entertainment industry, numerous actresses sacrifice their limelight for the sake of their families but some manage to retain their own identities even after marriage. Vahbbiz Dorabjee is one such actress. Married to co-star Vivian Dsena, Vahbbiz Dorabjee continues to retain her individuality though her work.

An actress par excellence, Vahbbiz believes in balancing her family life and career as the two define her as an individual.

“I admit that early on in my marriage I gave time to my family as most women do however, both myself and my husband Vivian realize and strongly believe in retaining our individuality when it comes to our career choices. In fact, Vivian is very support of decision and respects my work as I respect his. We are a team and will always remain a team.”

Usually, women who do choose to come back to the entertainment business tend to take on roles with their significant others playing husband and wife in the same show, however Vahbbiz is one who continues to create a image for herself separate from Vivian. While Vivian indulges in drama, Vahbbiz has chosen the sci-fi comedy Bahu Hamari Rajni_Kant continue her legacy.

Way to go Vahbbiz!

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